Online Text Conversion Tool: SensusAccess

SensusAccess Online Conversion Tool

Convert documents with SensusAccess

SensusAccess is an online conversion tool that allows you to convert documents from one file type to another.

The most common example is uploading a PDF and then outputting a Word document — but there are many more choices.

SensusAccess is free to anyone with an SPU email address.

How to use SensusAccess

SensusAccess形式 转换文件. Once you complete the process, the converted file will be sent to your SPU email account.

Service limitations

  • The original file must be of good quality in order to maximize conversion accuracy. This means free of markings, writing, folds, or wear.
  • 一些文件输出 may require additional editing after conversion.
  • SensusAccess provides a quick temporary solution. It is not the final solution for accessibility. For faculty and staff who are producing documents, please watch the videos below for additional instructions on creating accessible documents in various formats.
  • Students requesting alternate materials as an accommodation should contact Disability 支持 Services for assistance at 206-281-2272 or


Four students walk down a covered sidewalk with their backs to the camera.

DSS mission statement

Disability 支持 Services recognizes disability as an important part of diversity on campus and integral to our community and our society. We aim to provide educational access through support, 资源, 宣传, 协作, and academic accommodations for SPU students with disabilities and to support an inclusive and equitable environment.